Top Tips and Tricks for a Greener Home on a Budget

Top Tips and Tricks for a Greener Home on a Budget

Are you looking to make the home greener, but don’t have a huge budget to spend? There’s plenty of ways to go green without breaking the bank!

Not only are greener updates better for the environment – they’re also great for your wallet too. Here, we’ll look at some of the top tips and tricks for a greener home on a budget.

Take advantage of insulation

Top Tips and Tricks for a Greener Home on a Budget

Insulation may not seem like a budget-friendly option, but when you consider the long-term savings you soon realise it’s definitely worth the investment. While the exact savings will depend upon numerous factors, it’s estimated the right insulation could save you almost £150 a year. This is based on houses which don’t currently have any insulation fitted.

It takes around two years to see the full money-saving benefits, and it’s also worth keeping in mind you should choose a reliable supplier. Only high-quality insulation sold by companies like Insulation4less, will provide you with the energy saving benefits you’re hoping for.

Stop leaving appliances on standby

Top Tips and Tricks for a Greener Home on a Budget

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A tip that costs you absolutely nothing and can save you a significant amount of money, is to stop leaving appliances on standby. Most of us are guilty of leaving things switched on when they’re not in use such as televisions, kettles and phone chargers. The trouble is, they actually use a lot more electricity than you might realise on standby.

So, if you’re looking for a really budget-friendly way to make your home greener, turn off as many appliances as you can when they’re not in use.

Invest in energy saving lighting

At one time, LED lightbulbs were pretty expensive compared to fluorescent lights. However, these days they’re really affordable. They cost a lot less to run than fluorescent bulbs and they’re actually better for your health too. Fluorescent lighting is known to cause headaches and fatigue, so if you are still using them, now’s the time to reconsider. They also last a lot longer too, so it’s definitely worth following this simple tip.

Overall, there are so many ways you can make your home greener without breaking the bank. The above are just a small selection of the cheapest and most effective ways to save money. Sometimes, it’s the little things which do tend to make the most difference so no matter what you’re budget, there’s always something you can do to make the home greener.

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