Dog Friendly Garden Design

Dog Friendly Garden Design

When choosing the right designer for your garden it’s imperative they know what is and isn’t safe for your pets.

The garden not only needs to be designed in a way that keeps your dog safety within the garden boundaries, but what you place into the garden needs plenty of consideration too.

Plants for example are what make a garden, they add colour and depth, and certain plants can help you depict a certain style.

But when you share your garden with your pets there are other areas to consider, one in particular which many pet owners are unaware of is the toxicity levels of certain plants.

One example would be the yew tree, both leaves and bark are very poisonous, and your dog would require immediate veterinary attention if they chew or swallow either.

The infographic below goes into further details regarding the dangers of a number of plants, and how to design a dog friendly garden.

Infographic by Rattan Direct

Image source: Walks Four Paws

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