Infographic: Sourcing Property In The South East

Sourcing Property In The South East - House In Reading England.

Demand and growth in the property market in particular the South East of England is still going strong.

With the uncertainty amongst many regarding the knock on effect on house prices after the United Kingdom decided to leaving the European Union, It has been welcoming news for many to hear that although there may be a dip in house prices at some point, it should only be for the short term.

The South East is of particularly interest to key workers who cannot afford to live in London, but need to be based nearby so that they can commute to London for work.

With this in mind the infographic below has been produced by Redbrick Property Service to highlight why the South East is an important area to consider purchasing property.

The infographic also shows how to go about sourcing property, as there are a number of options available including auctions, advertisements, through the open market and through an agent.

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Main Image Source – By Karen Blakeman


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