Space Saving Idea #1: Sliding Doors

Sliding Door Mechanism

Modern life in British apartments and offices can be a bit of a squeeze at times, space comes at a premium, so making the most of the room you have available is important.

One great way to save room and add a touch of class at the same time is to make use of sliding doors.

We have put together a gallery of some great sliding doors and door mechanisms, found at home and in the work-place, and have also pulled together some things you may want to think about.

Krown Lab Hardware @ Skylab Architecture

Another gorgeous door mechanism – this one is found in the offices of Skylab Architecture in Portland – designed and built by Krown Lab. It is interesting how rather than try to hide the mechanism away, they have actually made it into a feature in itself – creating a striking and modern look that adds a touch of class to the entrance.

fiveAM legio thomas de bruyne

This stunning office sliding door from Five AM in Belgium fits perfectly into the modern, graceful and slightly muted office it is found.

As seen in the picture below, they compliment other features in the office, such as these sturdy looking yet modern sliding door storage units.

The Linear Bi-Parting Pocket Door Kit from Doppio (found here on Barrier Components) show how the right sliding door can fit beautifully into a modern apartment or office building. The windows on either side in the image above show just one way that you can compliment the look.

Linear Bi-Parting Pocket Door Kit

As seen in this fantastic looking modern apartment, sliding doors, or even entire sliding walls, can be made into an eye catching and colourful feature that adds a touch of class to the room it is in.

Lets go in another direction – if modern isn’t your thing – you can use wooden doors to create a more rustic look. Match the door to the right mechanism for maximum effect. As you can see from the images below – getting the combination right can create a fantastic look.

Rustic wooden doors being installed

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