5 Space Saving Ideas For The Bedroom

5 Space Saving Ideas For The Bedroom - Paris Apartment - Light, Airy With Large Mirror

Space in the bedroom is a constant struggle. Whether it’s just you or you and a partner, there never seems to be enough room.

But with these tips, you can take back your bedroom for your own, and transform it into the space saving haven that you deserve.

Lighten Up

Make your room feel bigger by making it feel light and airy. Hang big mirrors to reflect the light around the room, and make sure there are lots of light options so there aren’t any dark corners. Choose a light colour to paint your walls in – white is always a winner and makes sure that the room feels much bigger than it actual is.

Double Duty Furniture

5 Space Saving Ideas For The Bedroom - Shabby Chic Desk

If you’re short on space, then double duty furniture is your friend. Whether you choose pieces that are specifically designed for double duty, like an adult bunk bed that has space beneath it for clothes, or you just use your desk for your bedside table too, double duty is easy when you think it through.

Bed Side Tables

They can hold a multitude of sins, but they can also take up a lot of space visually – and that’s equally as important. Choose a shelf or a floating bedside table that’s attached to the wall. The space below it will open up the room and make your bedroom seem bigger.

Under Bed Storage

5 Space Saving Ideas For The Bedroom - Shabby Chic Bedroom

This one is a no brainer. But that doesn’t mean relying on ugly see-through plastic boxes, no. Instead, opt for an ottoman bed – it’s a great way to store stuff like winter clothes during summer. The bed lifts up and reveals that jumper that you need when it gets a bit chilly. It might be useful for storing lesser-used make up too!

Update Your Wardrobe

5 Space Saving Ideas For The Bedroom - Shabby Chic Wardrobe, Mirror & Vintage Gown

Your wardrobe is often the source of most mess in the bedroom. So many clothes, nothing to wear and it’s all over your floor? It’s time for a clear out – and an overhaul of the way you store your clothes. Think about the things that you wear and the things that you don’t. If you don’t wear it, why do you still have it?  Donate it or sell it and free up some room.

If you don’t want to get rid of any of your clothes, then it’s time to get savvy with the space that you have. Buy thin hangers to free up some hanging space, and start folding t-shirts more economically.

Image Source 1, 2, 3, 4.

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