6 Ideas To Bring The Natural Aesthetic Indoors

Stylish home with full wall of glass windows with view of water

Nowadays, it’s a trend to bring the great outdoors indoors!

Homes are becoming more sustainable and eco-friendly as designers and architects integrate natural aesthetics into homes. These natural materials bring an earthy warmth into homes, and make use of renewable resources to decorate and power up homes. 

Keeping up with the theme of sustainability, we look into different ways we can incorporate the natural aesthetic indoors. Here are some ideas to get you started into building an eco-friendly home that keeps the values of minimalist designs. Your home will be both sustainable and eye-catching!

1. High Ceilings, Natural Light

The sky’s the limit – high ceilings bring a sense of an enlarged space, while natural light optimizes sunlight instead of energy-guzzling light bulbs to brighten up your space during the day. Consider high ceilings with plenty of wide windows to let the light in as you discuss your home with design and build services

It is helpful to have the same contractor for design and construction as you can clearly communicate exactly what you expect for your dream home. Discuss high ceilings for your common room for a brighter space, and skylight windows for that picture perfect lighting that is natural and pleasing to the eye! 

2. Built-in Garden Bed

Plants filter our air, and provide us with the clean oxygen that we need to survive. They also cool down spaces, and emit a gentle humidity through the damp soil. Whether you have a green thumb or not, consider looking into built-in garden walls for indoor, low maintenance plants. These plants will also provide a lively look to your home!

Green plant display on interior wall

Built-in gardens can be made of concrete and built right into the ground, or put up on the wall in place of paintings and framed photos. Live plants energise your space, and low maintenance ones are nearly impossible to kill! Go for plants that require little sunlight as you are growing them indoors, and have soil moisture control systems put in place for irrigation.

3. Breeze Blocks for Air Circulation

Breeze blocks are lace-like blocks that allow air to pass through without the need of any fancy equipment or machines. These cool down spaces, and allow the airflow to pass through different rooms easily. Add these in place of solid wall partitions, and you can still create a divide in your space without the stuffiness! 

Breeze blocks lessen the need for air conditioners and electric fans as they cool off your home, and send you that gentle breeze around your home. They also lessen echoes, come in multiple unique designs, and are perfect to use as a decorative partition piece in your common room! 

4. Sustainable Water and Energy Sources

Water is, in essence, a renewable resource. We get freshwater from rain, streams, rivers, and more. However, drinkable water is much rarer, as unclean water can harbor harmful bacteria and microorganisms. The solution is to install a sustainable water collection system that turns rainwater into usable drinking water, or clean tap water. 

This way, you save up on water usage while keeping your water sources clean! Same goes for energy sources – optimise the sunny climate in your area with solar panels to power up your day-to-day functions. These will greatly reduce your water and electricity bills, while reducing your carbon footprint at the same time!

5. Light, Natural Materials

Use light, natural materials in place of artificial ones. Looking for a natural and sustainable carpet that is durable yet plush? Consider sisal, coir, or seagrass carpeting. Looking for a decoration to plaster on those empty walls? Consider cedarwood shelves that are purposeful, functional, and naturally pest-free! 

Large living room with large windows to view nature. Sisal rug and wooden furniture

Natural materials have a reputation for being short-lived, but with proper care and maintenance, natural materials are actually durable and can give engineered materials a run for their money! Being biodegradable, natural materials only start to break down in specific conditions. Plus, they won’t pollute the environment like plastics and resins do at the end of their useful life.

6. Trees for Natural Shade

If you live in a particularly warm, sunny, or hot area, and your home needs some shade to keep cool, don’t go for those plastic tarps and concrete shades that actually degrade under the intense heat. Instead, make use of nature’s shade: trees! 

Planting large trees near your home will provide you the shade you need for generations to come, and they dont’ require much upkeep other than pruning and watering! They are sustainable, purposeful, and provide you with a pleasant garden to walk by. 

Although make sure you seek advice as to which trees are suitable, as some trees grow vast root networks that can cause problems with drainage and the foundations of your home.

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