Beat back the shadows with under kitchen cabinet LED lighting

Beat back the shadows with under kitchen cabinet LED lighting

The latest LED lighting is fast becoming the system of choice for illuminating all areas of the home.

The turning point was the development of white light back in the early 1990s. Today, mass production continues to reduce the retail cost per unit, and the large savings on energy use means the light emitting diode is providing exciting new ways for everyone to brighten all areas of the house. At the same time saving money, and reducing their carbon footprint.

Lighten Up Your Kitchen:

The kitchen is a great place to begin giving your home an LED makeover. With its floor cupboards and wall cabinets, the worktop areas always seem to be in shadow. Overhead lighting is often supplemented with spotlights aimed toward cooker, sink and other chosen areas, but shadows persist.

LED under-cabinet lighting can not only remove the majority of these shadows, but provide new aesthetic appeal to an otherwise tired looking kitchen.

LED Strip-lighting:

Beat back the shadows with under kitchen cabinet LED lighting

The versatility of LED strip-lighting allows your creativity to run wild. Working off a 12v transformer which can be plugged directly into a mains socket means there is no need for a costly electrician to undertake the work.

Kits are available in 1m, 3m and 5m lengths, although for every additional 5 metre length, an extra transformer will be required.

LED strip lights are self-adhesive, and can be cut and joined using two core flex, so your strip lights illuminate just the areas you want illuminated.

Fitted underneath the front pelmet of your units, your strips can be totally hidden from view. If your choice is to fit them to the rear of the cabinets, strip lamp shades or casings are available to provide that professional appearance.

Available in non-waterproof, splash proof and waterproof strips, with the usual condensation problems associated with cooking and boiling kettles, unless you intend to use the waterproof option, fitting strip casing is probably the safest bet, even though the system is only 12v.

A Little Planning Goes a Long Way:

Beat back the shadows with under kitchen cabinet LED lighting

Sketch out a plan view of the kitchen, and mark the areas you want illuminated in a different colour. Decide which colour you prefer such as cool or warm white, or even red, green and blue (RGB), which provides a range of different colours and hues.

Nowadays, LEDs are becoming increasingly versatile. Perhaps you hold intimate dinner parties in your home’s kitchen/diner. Now dimmers can be included in your LED under cabinet lighting plans, allowing just a gentle glow to highlight worktops or wine rack. They can even be included in lighting apps, allowing you to operate them without leaving the comfort of your armchair.

Get a little adventurous. Give your kitchen a gentle lighting makeover by installing LED under cabinet lighting today, and begin your journey to cheaper energy bills and a lower carbon footprint.

Image Source: 1, 2, 3.

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