How To Design Your Bedroom with Sleep in Mind

Bed with natural coloured bedding surrounded by green plants

Your bedroom should be a place of relaxation and rest, where you can unwind and recharge after a long day.

However, creating a sleep-friendly environment can be a challenge, especially if you struggle with sleep issues. In this article, we will explore some tips and tricks to help you design your bedroom with sleep in mind so you can have deep restful REM sleep every night and wake up energised for the day. 

1. Choose the Right Colours

The colours you choose for your bedroom can have a significant impact on your mood and sleep quality. Opt for soft, soothing colours like blue, green, or lavender, which are known to promote relaxation and calmness. Avoid bright or bold colours, which can be too stimulating and interfere with sleep. 

2. Invest in Quality Bedding

Investing in high-quality bedding is an investment in your sleep. Choose sheets, pillows, and blankets that feel comfortable and cozy to you. Look for breathable fabrics like cotton or linen, which can help regulate body temperature and prevent overheating. When it comes to your mattress, don’t be scared to replace it. It might seem like a big investment but it’s a worthwile one and definitely one of the most important factors influencing sleep quality. 

3. Control the Lighting

Controlling the lighting in your bedroom is essential for creating a sleep-friendly environment. Install blackout curtains or shades to block out any external light sources. Consider adding dimmer switches or lamps with adjustable settings to control the level of light in your room. If you can, look for lighting which filters out more of the blue light as this can interfere with your sleep-cycle body clock. If you aren’t ready to invest in a special light then you could always buy a pair of blue light blocking glasses to wear in the hours leading up to bedtime. 

4. Incorporate Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy can be a powerful tool for promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality. Using an aromatherapy oil diffuser in your bedroom can help you create a soothing, calming atmosphere. Add a few drops of relaxing essential oils like lavender, chamomile, or bergamot to your diffuser to promote restful sleep.

Aluxury luxury home fragrances

Not only do these essential oil scents promote calmness but the mere association from turning on your diffuser an hour before bed can help signal to your body that it’s time to wind down and switch off. A waterless electric oil diffuser will help you achieve a powerful and luxurious scent in seconds whilst minimising stress caused by refilling a standard water diffuser. Using a diffuser with their relaxing essential oils can create a spa-like atmosphere in your bedroom, promoting a restful night’s sleep.

5. Minimise Clutter

A cluttered bedroom can be overwhelming and interfere with sleep. Plus, waking up to a clear space starts your day off the best way. Minimise clutter by keeping surfaces clear and organised and committing to a 10 minute tidy each day. Use storage solutions like baskets or bins to keep items out of sight and reduce visual distractions.

6. Keep the Temperature Comfortable

Maintaining a comfortable temperature in your bedroom is crucial for promoting sleep. Keep your room cool, between 16-19 degrees calcius, to promote deeper sleep. Body temperature is a key aspect to falling asleep and our bodies must drop a few degrees in order to fall into a sound sleep. Use a fan or air conditioner to regulate the temperature, or add extra blankets or layers to stay warm in colder temperatures.

Incorporate Natural Elements

Incorporating natural elements like plants or flowers into your bedroom can create a calming atmosphere whilst also improving air quality.

Neutral coloured bedroom with wood shelf and plants

Choose plants that are easy to care for and don’t require too much light or water. Adding a vase of fresh flowers can also add a touch of beauty and fragrance to your sleep environment.

8. Limit Electronics

Limiting electronics in your bedroom can help promote a restful environment. Remove televisions, laptops, or smartphones from your bedroom, as the blue light emitted from these devices can interfere with sleep quality. Instead, opt for a book or magazine to read before bedtime which will help slow your thoughts down and disconnect from the stresses of the day. 

In conclusion, designing your bedroom with sleep in mind can improve your overall sleep quality and enhance your wellbeing. Consider incorporating these tips, like choosing the right colours, investing in quality bedding, controlling lighting, adding aromatherapy, minimising clutter, keeping the temperature comfortable, incorporating natural elements, and limiting electronics, to create a sleep-friendly environment.

Aromatherapy can help to create a calming atmosphere, helping you drift off into a restful sleep due to its relaxation properties and associations. Remember, a well-designed bedroom can make all the difference in achieving a good night’s sleep. A lot of falling asleep is to do with mindset so creating a relaxing energy throughout your sleeping space will set you on the best path to a dreamy REM sleep.

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